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Daniel Zarev
Sales Manager

Sebastian Schrodt
Head of Sales EJOWELD
EJOT TSSD® Термозалепващия елемент

Продуктът EJOT TSSD® (термозалепващ елемент) и съответният процес на съединяване са разработени за свързване на компоненти, от които единият е изработен от подсилена с влакна пластмаса.
Процесът е подходящ за сандвич елементи с ядро от пчелна пита или пяна, както и за пластмасови материали CFRP и GFRP.
По време на процеса на свързване пластмасовият елемент (изработен от термопластмаса) се монтира с определена скорост на въртене и аксиално натоварване.
EJOT TSSD® for direct assembly

The TSSD® version with collar head is suitable for direct fastening of a thin clamping part to a corresponding component structure. The material of the clamping part can be freely selected - all that is needed is a pre-hole through which the TSSD® can penetrate into the component structure.
EJOT TSSD® as screw-in boss

If the application involves creating a screw-in option in a component, TSSD® variants without a collar head are used. They are inserted flush into the component during the installation process and then act as a screw-in boss for EVO PT® screws with diameters of 4 or 5 mm.
EJOT TSSD® as snap-fit solution

The TSSD® technology can also be used for snap-fit solutions. For this purpose, we offer a variant of the TSSD® with a ball head which - together with a corresponding counterpart (ball socket) - can be used to create a detachable snap-fit connection.
Customized TSSD® variants

If the EJOT TSSD® standard solutions do not meet your application-specific requirements, please feel free to talk to us about special solutions. Whether it's a TSSD® for defining a distance to the component, a snap-fit TSSD® for welding onto thin monolithic materials, a TSSD® for the non-detachable joining of e.g. circuit boards or a TSSD® for holding eccentric connectors, as is common in furniture construction. Please contact our experts for further advice.